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Poster of I Saw the Devil
Poster of I Saw the Devil
Poster of I Saw the Devil
Poster of I Saw the Devil
Poster of I Saw the Devil
7.9 IMDb Rating: 7.8
5 posters

I Saw the Devil

Akmareul boatda / I Saw the Devil 18+
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A secret agent exacts revenge on a serial killer through a series of captures and releases.
Country South Korea
Runtime 2 hours 21 minutes
Production year 2010
World premiere August 11, 2010
Release date
July 14, 2011 Russia Кино без границ 18+
July 14, 2011 Belarus
August 12, 2010 Brazil
September 14, 2010 Canada
November 16, 2012 Estonia
July 6, 2011 France
April 14, 2011 Germany
April 29, 2011 Great Britain
August 12, 2010 Indonesia
April 29, 2011 Ireland 18
February 26, 2011 Japan
July 14, 2011 Kazakhstan
April 28, 2011 Netherlands
November 2, 2011 Norway
August 12, 2010 Poland
August 25, 2011 Portugal
September 15, 2011 Singapore
August 12, 2010 South Korea
April 13, 2012 Spain
October 30, 2010 Taiwan, Province of China
May 27, 2011 Turkey
March 4, 2011 USA
July 14, 2011 Ukraine
Also known as
Angmareul boatda, I Saw the Devil, Ang-ma-reul bo-at-da, Ang-ma-reul Bo-at-da, Eu Vi o Diabo, Ác Nhân, Akmareul boatda, As regejau setona, Encontré al diablo, J'ai rencontré le diable, J'ai Rencontré le Diable, L-am vazut pe diavol, Ma nägin saatanat, Men shaytonni ko'rdim, Şeytanı gördüm, Ujrzałem diabła, Video sam đavola, Vidio sam vraga, Yo vi al diablo, Αντίκρισα το Διάβολο, Я бачив диявола, Я видел Дьявола, 亚热带, 悪魔を見た, 看見魔鬼, 看见恶魔
Lee Byung-hun
Lee Byung-hun
Cast and Crew
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Film rating

Rate 11 votes
7.8 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the movie is not shown in the cinema, but we can send you a message when this movie appears again at the box office
fanbunga April 2, 2015, 12:51
Наверное, полгода прошло, как посмотрела фильм. Впечатления были яркие, и фильм не выходит из памяти. Длинноват, правда, но смотреть стоит, не… Read more…
GoodFella April 2, 2015, 12:51
Ну что фильм отличный я согласен, это был 1ый корейский фильм просмотренный мной, после него посмотрел еще несколько. Умеют снимать кино, ничего не скажешь.
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