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Poster of RoboCop
Poster of RoboCop
Poster of RoboCop
7.8 IMDb Rating: 7.6
3 posters


RoboCop 18+
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In a dystopic and crime-ridden Detroit, a terminally wounded cop returns to the force as a powerful cyborg haunted by submerged memories.
Country USA
Runtime 1 hour 42 minutes
Production year 1987
Online premiere April 3, 2010
World premiere July 2, 1987
Release date
July 17, 1987 Russia 18+
September 17, 1987 Australia
May 29, 2032 Austria 16
October 8, 1987 Brazil
July 17, 1987 Canada
March 4, 1988 Denmark
May 6, 1988 Finland
January 19, 1988 France
January 7, 1988 Germany
February 5, 1988 Great Britain
December 24, 1987 Hong Kong III
February 12, 1988 Ireland 18
October 30, 1987 Italy
February 11, 1988 Japan R15+
July 17, 1987 Kazakhstan
January 15, 1988 Mexico
October 8, 1997 Netherlands
December 30, 1987 Poland 18
October 23, 1987 Portugal M/16
December 25, 1987 South Korea 15
December 15, 1987 Spain
January 15, 1988 Sweden
July 17, 1987 USA
July 17, 1987 Ukraine
Budget $13,000,000
Also known as
RoboCop, Робокоп, Robocop, Robocop, el defensor del futuro, Polițistul robot, Riddari Götunnar, RoboCop - Das Gesetz in der Zukunft, RoboCop - Il futuro della legge, RoboCop - O Polícia do Futuro, RoboCop Das Gesetz in der Zukunft, Robocop: El defensor del futuro, Robocop: O batsos robot, RoboCop: O Policial do Futuro, Robocop: The Future of Law Enforcement, Robokop, Robot polis, Robot politsiyachi, Robotas policininkas, Robots Policists, Robotzsaru, Superglina, Ρόμποκοπ: Ο μπάτσος ρομπότ, Рабакоп, Робокап, रोबोकॉप, 로보캅, ロボコップ, 机械战警, 機器戰警, 鐵甲威龍
Peter Weller
Peter Weller
Kurtwood Smith
Kurtwood Smith
Cast and Crew
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Film rating

Rate 13 votes
7.6 IMDb
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