Fog delays a group of travelers headed for New York. They wait at the V.I.P. lounge of London Airport, each at a moment of crisis in his or her life.
CountryGreat Britain
Runtime1 hour 59 minutes
Production year1963
World premiere1 September 1963
Release date
1 September 1963
24 September 1963
18 September 1963
19 September 1963
Also known as
The V.I.P.s, Hotel Internacional, Hotel International, International Hotel, A fontos személyek, aşk mücadelesi, Diethnes xenodoheion, Fejesek, Gente Muito Importante, Hotel beynelmeleli, Hotel internacional, Hôtel international, Hotel International - Die Prominenz und die Moral, International Affair, Personalități în impas, VIP, VIPovi/Vrlo važne osobe, Z życia VIP'ów, Веома значајне особе/Veoma značajne osobe, Много важни персони, Очень важные персоны, 予期せぬ出来事, 名流怨妇, 大人物