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Poster of The Man Who Would Be King
Poster of The Man Who Would Be King
Poster of The Man Who Would Be King
7.8 IMDb Rating: 7.7
3 posters

The Man Who Would Be King

The Man Who Would Be King 18+
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Two British former soldiers decide to set themselves up as kings in Kafiristan, a land where no white man has set foot since Alexander the Great.
Country USA / Great Britain
Runtime 2 hours 9 minutes
Production year 1975
World premiere 3 December 1975
Release date
16 December 1975 Russia 12+
3 December 1975 Belgium 14
5 March 1976 Denmark 11
21 April 1976 France
17 December 1975 Germany
3 December 1975 Great Britain
26 December 1975 Greece
9 April 1976 Ireland PG
17 March 1976 Italy
12 June 1976 Japan G
16 December 1975 Kazakhstan
1 April 1976 Netherlands
3 December 1975 Sweden 15
17 December 1975 USA
16 December 1975 Ukraine
Budget $8,000,000
Also known as
The Man Who Would Be King, El hombre que sería rey, Der Mann, der König sein wollte, L'homme qui voulut être roi, Mannen som ville bli kung, O Homem Que Queria Ser Rei, Rudyard Kipling's The Man Who Would Be King, Человек, который хотел быть королем, Aki király akart lenni, Äventyrets män, Covjek koji je htio biti kralj, Człowiek, który chciał być królem, De man die koning wou zijn, El hombre que pudo reinar, Ha-Ish sh'Ratza Lehiyot Meleh, L'uomo che volle farsi re, Manden der ville være konge, Mannen som ville bli konge, Muz, ktery chtel byt králem, Muž, který chtěl být králem, Muž, ktorý chcel byť kráľom, O anthropos pou tha ginotan vasilias, Ô ni narô to shita otoko, Omul care voia sa fie rege, Seikkailujen sankarit, Valge kuningas, Žmogus, norėjęs tapti karaliumi, Ο άνθρωπος που θα γινόταν βασιλιάς, Мъжът, който искаше да бъде крал, Човек који је хтео да буде краљ, Човекът, който искаше да бъде крал, Чоловік, який хотів стати королем, 왕이 되려던 사나이, 大戰巴墟卡, 王になろうとした男
Cast and Crew
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Film rating

Rate 11 votes
7.7 IMDb
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2024, Russia, Family, Adventure
2025, Russia, Comedy, Family
2025, Great Britain / USA, Action, Thriller
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2024, USA, Thriller
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