The story of two Jewish boys in London. Martin is a native Brit who befriends a refugee and violin prodigy named Dovidl. When Dovidl vanishes, Martin is left confused and heartbroken.
The Song of Names, La canción de los nombres olvidados, O Cântico dos Nomes, A nevek dala, İsimlerin Şarkısı, La canción de los nombres, La cançó dels noms oblidats, Le chant des noms, Le prodige inconnu, Pieśń imion, Shir Ha'Shemot, The Song of Names: La Musica Della Memoria, Η αναζήτηση, Песента на имената, Песня имён, 天才ヴァイオリニストと消えた旋律, 逝者如歌