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Poster of Enemy Mine
Poster of Enemy Mine
6.9 IMDb Rating: 6.8
2 posters

Enemy Mine

Enemy Mine 18+
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Country USA
Runtime 1 hour 48 minutes
Production year 1985
Online premiere 23 February 2021
World premiere 12 December 1985
Release date
12 December 1985 Russia 12+
26 March 1986 Australia
3 July 1986 Brazil
18 April 1986 Denmark 15
26 February 1986 France
12 December 1985 Germany
20 December 1985 Great Britain
11 April 1986 Greece
21 February 1991 Hungary
4 April 1986 Italy
24 May 1986 Japan
12 December 1985 Kazakhstan
5 June 1986 Netherlands
20 December 1985 USA
12 December 1985 Ukraine
Budget $40,000,000
Also known as
Enemy Mine, Enemigo mío, Enemy Mine - Geliebter Feind, Enemy, Vihollisen armoilla, 第五惑星, Düşmanım, Enemic meu, Enemigo mio, Enemy mine, Fiender, Fifth Planet, Fjender, Il mio nemico, Inamicul meu, Inimigo Meu, Kedves ellenségem, Mano priesas, Mans Ienaidnieks, Môj nepriateľ, Mój własny wróg, Muj nepritel, Neprijateljski rudnik, O ehthros mou, Os Inimigos, På fiendens villkor, SOS Space Special, Ο εχθρός μου, Ворог мій, Врaг мой, Враг мой, Мој непријатељ, दुश्मन की खान, 异星情缘, 敌人 我, 第5惑星
Dennis Quaid
Dennis Quaid
Louis Gossett Jr.
Louis Gossett Jr.
Cast and Crew
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The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension 6.2
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984)
WarGames 7.1
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TRON 6.4
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Film rating

Rate 14 votes
6.8 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the film is not showing in cinemas, but we can send you a message when this animated film returns to the box office.
fanbunga 2 April 2015, 12:51
Не манная кашка, конечно, такой протертый супчик, с сухариками, но скорее для интереса, чем в качестве твердой пищи. Упростили смысл по сравнению с… Read more…
fanbunga 2 April 2015, 12:51
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