A film about an unfinished film which portrays the people behind and before the camera in the Warsaw Ghetto, exposing the extent of the cinematic manipulation forever changing the way we look at historic images.
CountryIsrael / Germany
Runtime1 hour 28 minutes
Production year2010
World premiereJanuary 25, 2010
Release date
August 18, 2010
October 29, 2010
Great Britain
August 18, 2010
Also known as
Shtikat haarchion, A Film Unfinished, 'Το γκέτο', μια ταινία που δεν έγινε ποτέ, A unfinished film, Befejezetlen film, En ofullbordad film, Gueto, Nedokoncený film, Niedokończony film, Quand les nazis filmaient le ghetto, Shtikat Haarchion, Shtikat Haarchion - Geheimsache Ghettofilm, Um Filme Inacabado, Un film neterminat, Warsaw Ghetto: The Unfinished Film, Неоконченный фильм, 電影,未完成