A boy unwittingly adopts a 600 year old talking vampire dog and soon discovers that when they face their fears they can do anything.
Runtime0 minute
Production year2012
World premiereJuly 3, 2012
Release date
December 3, 2012
September 25, 2012
Also known as
Vampire Dog, Cachorro Vampiro, Chú Chó Ma Cà Rồng, Le chien vampire, Le Chien Vampire, Mancs, a vámpírkutya, Pies-wampir, Un Chien Croc Bien!, Upírsky pes, Vampir Köpek, Vampire Dog - Mein bester Kumpel - Ein Vampir auf vier Pfoten, Пес-вампир, おしゃべり魔法犬ファン