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Poster of Harakiri
Poster of Harakiri
8.1 IMDb Rating: 8.6
2 posters
Harakiri Seppuku 18+
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An elder ronin samurai arrives at a feudal lord's home and requests an honorable place to commit suicide. But when the ronin inquires about a younger samurai who arrived before him things take an unexpected turn.
Country Japan
Runtime 2 hours 13 minutes
Production year 1962
World premiere September 15, 1962
Release date
January 1, 1963 Canada
January 27, 1964 Denmark
April 30, 1963 France
June 5, 1964 Germany
September 20, 1963 Italy
September 15, 1962 Japan
January 30, 1964 Mexico
July 17, 1980 Netherlands
November 9, 1965 Spain
September 15, 1962 Sweden 15
September 11, 1963 USA
Also known as
Seppuku, Harakiri, Харакири, 切腹, Hara-Kiri, Nghi Lễ Mổ Bụng, Xarakiri, Χαρακίρι, Харакірі
Cast and Crew
Similar movies for Harakiri
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Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai (2011)
Cinema Paradiso 8.3
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Come and See 8.3
Come and See (1985)
Once Upon a Time in the West 8.4
Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
High and Low 7.9
High and Low (1963)
Yojimbo 8.1
Yojimbo (1961)
Paths of Glory 7.4
Paths of Glory (1957)
Seven Samurai 8.4
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Ikiru (1952)

Film rating

Rate 12 votes
8.6 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the movie is not shown in the cinema, but we can send you a message when this movie appears again at the box office
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