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Poster of The Big Country
Poster of The Big Country
7.9 IMDb Rating: 7.9
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The Big Country

The Big Country 18+
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A New Englander arrives in the Old West, where he becomes embroiled in a feud between two families over a valuable patch of land.
Country USA
Runtime 1 hour 46 minutes
Production year 1958
World premiere September 30, 1958
Release date
January 1, 1960 Brazil
September 30, 1958 Canada 18A
April 2, 1959 France
March 26, 1959 Germany
September 30, 1958 Great Britain
January 14, 1971 Hungary KN
December 25, 1958 Japan R18+
January 2, 1960 Portugal
March 1, 1963 South Korea
September 30, 1958 Sweden 15
October 1, 1958 USA
Also known as
The Big Country, Horizontes de grandeza, Weites Land, Da Terra Nascem os Homens, Det stora landet, Les grands espaces, Velika zemlja, Biały kanion, Büyük ülke, Det store land, Ferma din Arizona, Grans horitzons, Idegen a cowboyok között, Il grande paese, Matomenoi orizontes, Ooinaru seibu, Suuri maa, Veľká zem, Velká země, Viddernas män, Ματωμένοι ορίζοντες, Большая страна, Голямата страна, 大いなる西部, 大西部, 錦繡大地, 锦绣大地
Gregory Peck
Gregory Peck
Cast and Crew
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Film rating

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7.9 IMDb
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The Big Country
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