On the run from the Police, a gang of armed robbers finds a safe haven in a secluded village crammed with witches, only to encounter the bizarre, the unexpected and the occult.
Las brujas de Zugarramurdi, Witching and Bitching, Witching & Bitching, As Bruxas de Zugarramurdi, Bruxas e Outras Loucas, Bűbáj és kéjelgés, Cadılar, Die Hexen von Zugarramurdi, Las brujas, Las Brujas de Zugarramurdi, Le streghe son tornate, Les Sorcières de Zugarramurdi, Raganos iš Zugarramurdi, The Witches of Zugarramurdi, Veštičarke i bičarke, Vrajitoarele din Zugarramurdi, Wiedźmy z Zugarramurdi, Wredne jędze, Ведьмы из Сугаррамурди, Вещиците от Зугарамурди, Відьми з Сугаррамурді, スガラムルディの魔女
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