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Poster of Ghosts of Mars
Poster of Ghosts of Mars
5.8 IMDb Rating: 4.9
2 posters

Ghosts of Mars

Ghosts of Mars 18+
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In 2176, a Martian police unit is sent to pick up a highly dangerous criminal at a remote mining post. Upon arrival, the cops find that the post has become a charnel house.
Country USA
Runtime 1 hour 38 minutes
Production year 2001
Online premiere 22 November 2001
World premiere 24 August 2001
Release date
26 October 2001 Russia 18+
18 October 2001 Brazil
1 October 2001 Czechia
21 November 2001 France
18 October 2001 Germany
29 November 2001 Hungary
7 September 2001 Italy
26 October 2001 Kazakhstan
24 August 2001 Portugal M/18
26 April 2002 South Korea 18
24 August 2001 USA
26 October 2001 Ukraine
Budget $28,000,000
Also known as
Ghosts of Mars, Fantasmas de Marte, A Mars szelleme, Apeili ston Ari, Bóng Ma Trên Sao Hỏa, Duchové Marsu, Duchy Marsa, Duhovi Marsa, Fantasmas de marte, Fantasmas de Marte de John Carpenter, Fantasmas de Marte, de John Carpenter, Fantasmes de Mart, Fantasmi da Marte, Fantomele de pe Marte, Fantômes sur Mars, John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars, John Carpenterin Ghosts of Mars, Marsi vaimud, Marso vaiduokliai, Strigoii de pe Marte, Απειλή στον Άρη, Духови са Марса, Привиди Марса, Призраки Марса, Призраци от Марс, ゴースト・オブ・マーズ, 火星異魔
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Film rating

Rate 10 votes
4.9 IMDb
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2024, Russia, Family, Adventure
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2025, Russia, Comedy, Family
2025, Russia, Adventure, Family
2025, Russia, Action, Drama
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2024, Russia, Comedy
2024, USA, Thriller
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