Black Journal (originally titled Gran Bollito) is a 1977 Italian drama film directed by Mauro Bolognini. It is based on the real life events of Leonarda Cianciulli, the Italian serial killer best known as the "Soap-Maker of Correggio".
Runtime1 hour 55 minutes
Production year1977
World premiereJanuary 1, 1977
Release date
January 1, 1977
Budget1,900,000,000 ITL
Also known as
Gran bollito, Black Journal, A nagy főzés, Didysis virimas, Húsdarab, La signora degli orrori, Mémoires diaboliques, Pacto alucinante, Presagio, Sólo Dios sabe la verdad, Sztuka mięsa, Большое варево