Belka i Strelka: Lunnye priklyucheniya, Space Dogs 2, Space Dogs: Adventure to the Moon, Astronot Köpekler 2: Ay Macerası, Cãestronautas 2: Uma Aventura na Lua, Csillagkutyák 2.: Kaland a Holdon, Klavim be'khalal: harpatka'ah el ha'yar'e'akh, Kosmiczna jazda. Hau hau! Mamy problem!, Space Dogs - Avventura sulla luna, Space Dogs: Aventura en el espacio, Space Dogs: Aventura na Lua, Белка и Стрелка: Лунные приключения, Білка і Стрілка: Пригоди на Місяці, Космически кучета 2: Лунни приключения
ShowtimesCurrently, the animated movie is not shown in the cinema, but we can send you a message when this animated movie appears again at the box office