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Poster of As Above, So Below
Poster of As Above, So Below
Poster of As Above, So Below
6.5 IMDb Rating: 6.3
3 posters

As Above, So Below

As Above, So Below 18+
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When a team of explorers ventures into the catacombs that lie beneath the streets of Paris, they uncover the dark secret that lies within this city of the dead.
Country USA
Runtime 1 hour 33 minutes
Production year 2014
Online premiere 5 September 2014
World premiere 14 August 2014
Release date
2 October 2014 Russia UPI 16+
2 October 2014 Belarus
14 August 2014 Belgium 18
12 September 2014 Bulgaria
4 September 2014 Czechia
20 August 2014 France
11 September 2014 Germany
14 August 2014 Great Britain
3 September 2014 Hong Kong
29 August 2014 Ireland
11 September 2014 Israel
11 September 2014 Italy
2 October 2014 Kazakhstan
3 September 2014 Netherlands
11 September 2014 Portugal
14 August 2014 Romania 15
3 September 2014 Singapore
4 September 2014 Slovakia
19 September 2014 Spain
21 August 2014 Sweden
29 August 2014 USA
2 October 2014 Ukraine
Budget $5,000,000
Also known as
As Above, So Below, Así en la Tierra como en el infierno, Así en la Tierra como en el Infierno, Así en la tierra como en el infierno, Amok le'ma'ala, As Above So Below, As Above/So Below, Assim na Terra Como no Inferno, Catacombes, Derin Kabus, Hầm Mộ Ma Quái, Jako w piekle, tak i na Ziemi, Kaip danguje, taip ir po zeme, Kako gore, tako dole, Katakombalar, Katakomben, Là-haut comme ici-bas, Necropolis - La città dei morti, O Reflexo do Medo, Parīze: Mirušo pilsēta, Pod zemí, Precum in iad, asa si pe pamant, U mraku katakombe, Úgy fent, mint lent, Όπως ψηλά, έτσι και χαμηλά, Както горе, така и долу, Париж: Город мертвых, Париж. Місто мертвих, 地下に潜む怪人, 忐忑
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Film rating

Rate 13 votes
6.3 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the film is not showing in cinemas, but we can send you a message when this animated film returns to the box office.
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Супер ужастик. Очень понравился. Сценарий отличный. Кто страдает клаустрафобией , лучше не ходить . У меня из за этих туннелей , у самого… Read more…
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