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Poster of The Postman's White Nights
Poster of The Postman's White Nights
7.2 IMDb Rating: 7
2 posters

The Postman's White Nights

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Country Russia
Runtime 1 hour 30 minutes
Production year 2014
World premiere 5 September 2014
Release date
14 October 2014 Russia 16+
15 July 2015 France
5 September 2014 Kazakhstan
8 June 2015 Slovenia
14 August 2015 Spain
5 September 2014 Ukraine
Budget €1,200,000
Also known as
Belye nochi pochtalyona Alekseya Tryapitsyna, The Postman's White Nights, Les nuits blanches du facteur, As Noites Brancas do Carteiro, Bele noći poštara Alekseja Trjapicina, Białe noce listonosza Aleksieja Triapicyna, Die weißen Nächte des Postboten, El cartero de las noches blancas, Postacının Beyaz Geceleri, Poštarjeve bele noči, Postmannens hvite netter, The White Nights of Postman Aleksey Tryapitsyn, Οι λευκές νύχτες του ταχυδρόμου, Белые ночи почтальона Алексея Тряпицына, 邮差的白夜, 郵差的白色夜晚
Cast and Crew
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Film rating

Rate 14 votes
7 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the film is not showing in cinemas, but we can send you a message when this animated film returns to the box office.
fanbunga 1 February 2016, 12:26
Добрейший и замечательный Тряпицын Алексей, спасибо ему.

Сам фильм не очень. Актеры сделали режиссера. Особенно Колобок, он вам душу вывернет, это надо видеть.
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2024, Great Britain, Thriller
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