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Poster of What We Do in the Shadows
Poster of What We Do in the Shadows
Poster of What We Do in the Shadows
Poster of What We Do in the Shadows
Poster of What We Do in the Shadows
7.3 IMDb Rating: 7.6
5 posters

What We Do in the Shadows

What We Do in the Shadows 18+
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A documentary team films the lives of a group of vampires for a few months. The vampires share a house in Wellington, New Zealand. Turns out vampires have their own domestic problems too.
Country New Zealand / USA
Runtime 1 hour 22 minutes
Production year 2014
Online premiere 6 July 2014
World premiere 19 January 2014
Release date
16 April 2015 Russia Вольга 16+
4 September 2014 Australia
16 April 2015 Belarus
30 October 2014 Germany
21 November 2014 Great Britain
30 July 2015 Hong Kong
21 November 2014 Ireland
24 January 2015 Japan
16 April 2015 Kazakhstan
3 July 2015 Mexico B
12 December 2014 Netherlands
19 June 2014 New Zealand
23 November 2023 Poland
12 December 2014 Sweden
13 February 2015 USA
16 April 2015 Ukraine
Budget $1,600,000
Also known as
What We Do in the Shadows, Entrevista con unos vampiros, 5 Zimmer Küche Sarg, Aylak Vampirler, Casa vampiro, Casa Vampiro, Chúng Ta Làm Gì Trong Bóng Tối, Co děláme v temnotách, Čo robíme v temnotách, Co robimy w ukryciu, Hétköznapi vámpírok, Ka mes veikiame seseliuose, Kad padne mrak, Kaj počnemo v mraku, Kas notiek krēslā, Lo que hacemos en las sombras, Mi folyik a sötétben, O que Fazemos nas Sombras, O Que Fazemos nas Sombras, Osa Kanoume Stis Skies, Syeahausu Wizu Banpaia, Tribulatiile unor vampiri moderni, Vampires en toute intimité, Vampires en toute Intimité, Vita da vampiro - What We Do in the Shadows, Όσα κάνουμε στις σκιές, Реальные упыри, Чим ми займаємося в тінях, Шта радимо сакривени, シェアハウス・ウィズ・ヴァンパイア, 低俗殭屍玩出征, 吸血鬼家庭屍篇, 吸血鬼生活
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Film rating

Rate 15 votes
7.6 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the film is not showing in cinemas, but we can send you a message when this animated film returns to the box office.
MotherMary 15 October 2015, 00:18
Фильм классный, от диалогов - нереальное удовольствие. Уже второй фильм такого плана от Н.Зеландии. Нужно присмотреться к ним)
Макс 15 October 2015, 22:22
Самое смешное, что было, есть и будет про вампиров!!!
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