A police detective investigates the truth behind his partner's death. The mysterious case reveals disturbing police corruption and a dangerous secret involving an unlikely young woman.
Exposed, Daughter of God, Hija de Dios, Anjos e Sombras, Dedektif Galban, Exposed - Nell'ombra di un delitto, Exposed: Blutige Offenbarung, Filha de Deus, Isten lánya, Krvavé zjavenie, Krvavé zjevení, La hija de Dios, Objawienie, Pažeidžiamas, Suspicion, Suspicions, Vach Trân, Wisdom, Αυτόπτης μάρτυρας, Дочь Бога, Разобличен, エクスポーズ 暗闇の迷宮, 惡夜殺機, 曝光