French village doctor becomes target of poison-pen letters sent to village leaders, accusing him of affairs and practicing abortion.
Runtime1 hour 32 minutes
Production year1943
World premiereSeptember 28, 1943
Release date
September 28, 1943
Also known as
Le corbeau, Der Rabe, El cuervo, Korpen, Le Corbeau, O Corvo, The Raven, Ворон, A holló, Cartas Anônimas, Corbul, Gavran, Il corvo, Korppi, Kruk, L'oeil du serpent, L'oiseau noir, Laura, Lettres anonymes, Maladie contagieuse, Sombra do Pavor, To koraki, Гарванът, 乌鸦, 密告(1943)