Tales of the Night weaves together six exotic fables each unfolding in a unique locale, from Tibet, to medieval Europe, to the Land of the Dead. From the imagination of internationally renowned animator Michel Ocelot.
Runtime1 hour 24 minutes
Production year2011
Online premiereAugust 31, 2011
World premiereFebruary 13, 2011
Release date
July 20, 2011
Also known as
Les contes de la nuit, Tales of the Night, Los cuentos de la noche, Contos da Noite, Els contes de la nit, Esti mesék, Gece Masalları, Histórias de Embalar, Nakts stāsti, Opowieści nocy, Pohádky noci, Povestiri în miez de noapte, Příběhy noci, Rozprávky noci, Yoru no tobari no monogatari, Ιστορίες της νύχτας, Казки на ніч, Сказки на ночь, 夜のとばりの物語, 枕邊故事
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