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Poster of A Farewell to Arms
Poster of A Farewell to Arms
5.9 IMDb Rating: 5.8
2 posters

A Farewell to Arms

A Farewell to Arms 18+
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An English nurse and an American soldier on the Italian front during World War I fall in love, but the horrors surrounding them test their romance to the limit.
Country USA
Runtime 2 hours 32 minutes
Production year 1957
World premiere 14 December 1957
Release date
20 December 1957 Germany
1 January 1962 South Korea
14 December 1957 USA
Budget $4,353,000
Also known as
A Farewell to Arms, Adiós a las armas, L'adieu aux armes, Addio alle armi, Adeus às Armas, Adio arme, Apohairetismos sta opla, Búcsú a fegyverektől, Farväl till vapnen, Farvel til våbnene, Farvel til våpnene, In einem anderen Land, In einem andern Land, Jäähyväiset aseille, O Adeus às Armas, Pożegnanie z bronią, Sbohem, armádo, Silahlara Veda, Zbogom oružje, Zbogom oružje/Збогом оружје, Αποχαιρετισμός στα όπλα, Прощай, оружие!, Сбогом на оръжията, 武器よさらば
Vittorio De Sica
Vittorio De Sica
Cast and Crew
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Film rating

Rate 13 votes
5.8 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the film is not showing in cinemas, but we can send you a message when this animated film returns to the box office.
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2025, Russia, Comedy, Family
2025, Russia, Adventure, Family
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2025, USA / Germany, Adventure, Drama, Family
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