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How Vitka Chesnok Drove Lyokha Shtyr to the House for Disabled

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Country Russia
Runtime 1 hour 30 minutes
Production year 2017
Online premiere October 12, 2017
World premiere July 6, 2017
Release date
October 12, 2017 Russia КароПрокат, Стелла Релиз 16+
March 23, 2018 Canada
October 12, 2017 Kazakhstan
Budget 25,000,000 RUR
Also known as
Kak Vitka Chesnok vyoz Lyokhu Shtyrya v dom invalidov, How Victor 'The Garlic' Took Alexey 'The Stud' to the Nursing Home, Ako Viťka Cesnak viezol Ľochu Vrtáka do domova dôchodcov, Comment Victor Gousse d'ail transportait Alex le Goujon au foyer des handicapés, How Viktor 'The Garlic' Took Alexey 'The Stud' to the Nursing Home, How Viktor the Garlic Took Alexey the Stud to the Nursing Home, How Vitka Chesnok Took Lyokha Shtyr to the Home for Invalids, Jak Víťa Česnek vezl Ljochu Vrtáka do důchoďáku, Jak Witia Czesnok Liochę Sztyra do domu opieki wiózł, Nem Ravasz, Nincs Agy - csak Oroszország, Viktor, a Fokhagyma, Как Витька Чеснок вёз Лёху Штыря в дом инвалидов
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Showtimes Currently, the movie is not shown in the cinema, but we can send you a message when this movie appears again at the box office
alex November 27, 2017, 10:46
интересное кино. про нас прекрасных, про людей :))) не про аватаров.

поначалу расстроило, подумалось, что так в чернуху и провалится. но… Read more…
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