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Poster of Tarzan II
Poster of Tarzan II
5.5 IMDb Rating: 5.5
2 posters

Tarzan II

Tarzan II 18+
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The tale of Tarzan's misadventures as a boy as he searches for his true identity and the meaning of family.
Country USA
Runtime 1 hour 12 minutes
Production year 2005
Online premiere 3 August 2005
World premiere 13 June 2005
Release date
13 June 2005 Russia 6+
24 August 2005 Australia
24 August 2005 Denmark
24 August 2005 France
31 August 2005 Germany
8 August 2005 Great Britain
13 June 2005 Ireland
13 June 2005 Kazakhstan
13 June 2005 USA
13 June 2005 Ukraine
Also known as
Tarzan II, Tarzan 2, Tarzan 2: The Legend Begins, Tarzan 2: A Lenda Começa, Tarzan 2: Comienza La Leyenda, Tarzán 2: Comienza la leyenda, Tarzán 2, Tarzan 2: A legenda kezdődik, Tarzan 2: Die Legende beginnt, Tarzan 2: Începe legenda, Tarzan 2: L'enfance d'un héros, Tarzan 2: la légende commence, Tarzan 2: La leggenda ha inizio, Tarzan 2: Początek legendy, Tarzan II: The Legend Begins (2005), Ταρζάν 2, Тарзан 2: Легенда пачынаецца, Тарзан 2: Легенда починається, Тарзан 2: Легенда почиње, Тарзан 2: Легендата започва, Тарзан 2: Начало легенды, ターザン2:伝説の始まり, 泰山2
Brad Garrett
Brad Garrett
Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman
Cast and Crew
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Cartoon rating

Rate 14 votes
5.5 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the animated film is not showing in cinemas, but we can send you a message when this animated film returns to the box office.
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2024, Russia, Family, Adventure
2025, Great Britain / USA, Action, Thriller
2025, Russia, Comedy, Family
2025, Russia, Adventure, Family
2025, Russia, Action, Drama
2025, Russia, Detective, Action
2025, USA / Germany, Adventure, Drama, Family
2024, Russia, Comedy
2024, Australia / Spain, Animation
2024, Belgium / Ireland / USA, Drama, History
2024, USA, Thriller
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