Set in present day Mumbai the story follows the life of a serial killer Ramanna who is inspired by an infamous serial killer from the 1960s, Raman Raghav. His strange obsession with Raghavan, a young cop keeps growing as he closely follows him without his knowledge and often creates situations where both of them come face to face.
Runtime2 hours 13 minutes
Production year2016
Online premiereOctober 16, 2016
World premiereMay 16, 2016
Release date
November 21, 2018
June 24, 2016
Also known as
Raman Raghav 2.0, Psycho Raman, DEVIL デビル, The Mumbai Murders, Раман Рагхав 2.0, 孟买连环杀手, 模仿犯的殺人遊戲