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Poster of Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Poster of Monty Python and the Holy Grail
8.2 IMDb Rating: 8.2
2 posters

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Monty Python and the Holy Grail 18+
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Country Great Britain
Runtime 1 hour 31 minutes
Production year 1975
World premiere 14 March 1975
Release date
10 December 1979 Russia 12+
20 December 1979 Argentina
14 August 1975 Australia
13 August 1975 Brazil
4 December 2009 Canada
1 April 2000 Czechia
16 April 1976 Denmark
10 July 2020 Estonia MS12
27 August 1982 Finland
3 December 1975 France
13 August 1976 Germany
25 May 1975 Great Britain
11 July 1975 Greece
11 August 1977 Hong Kong
11 August 1977 Hungary
6 December 1979 India
27 June 1975 Ireland
7 May 1976 Italy
16 August 1979 Japan
14 March 1975 Kazakhstan
14 April 2025 Lithuania N13
22 January 1976 Netherlands
27 October 1978 Portugal
18 January 2011 South Korea 12
23 May 1977 Spain
15 April 1977 Sweden
11 December 1979 Thailand
15 June 2001 USA PG
14 March 1975 Ukraine
22 February 1980 Uruguay
Budget 229,575 GBP
Also known as
Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Die Ritter der Kokosnuß, Los caballeros de la mesa cuadrada, Monty Python y el santo grial, Monty Pythons galna värld, Монти Пайтон и священный Грааль, Chén Thánh Phiêu Lưu Ký, Gyalog galopp, Los Caballeros de la mesa cuadrada, Los caballeros de la mesa cuadrada y sus locos seguidores, Monti Paison ando hôrii gurairu, Monti Payton va muqaddas Graal, Monti Payton və müqəddəs Qraal, Mønti Pythøn ik den Høli Gräilen, Montijs Paitons un Svētais Grāls, Monty Python - hullu maailma, Monty Python : Sacré Graal !, Monty Python a svatý grál, Monty Python a Svätý Grál, Monty Python and Holy Grail, Monty Python e il Sacro Graal, Monty Python e o Cálice Sagrado, Monty Python em Busca do Cálice Sagrado, Monty Python Hullu maailma, Monty Python i Sveti gral, Monty Python i Święty Graal, Monty Python ir šventasis Gralis, Monty Python ja hullu maailma, Monty Python ja Püha Graal, Monty Python og de skøre riddere, Monty Python og ridderne av det runde bord, Monty Python og Rugluðu Riddararnir, Monty Python sacré graal!, Monty Python și Sfântul Graal, Monty Python va Jaam e Moghaddas, Monty Python ve Kutsal Kâse, Monty Pythonin hullu maailma, Οι ιππότες της ελεεινής τραπέζης, Το αδελφάτο των ιπποτών της ελεεινής τραπέζης, Монти Пайтон мен қасиетті Грааль, Монти Пайтън и Свещеният граал, Монти Пајтон и Свети грал, Монті Пайтон і Священний Грааль, Монті Пайтон і Священний Ґрааль, モンティ・パイソン・アンド・ホーリー・グレイル, 巨蟒与圣杯, 聖杯傳奇, 踎低噴飯: 勇奪聖杯
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Film rating

Rate 12 votes
8.2 IMDb
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Monty Python and the Holy Grail
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