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Poster of Ran
Poster of Ran
8.2 IMDb Rating: 8.2
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Ran Ran 16+
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In Medieval Japan, an elderly warlord retires, handing over his empire to his three sons. However, he vastly underestimates how the new-found power will corrupt them and cause them to turn on each other...and him.
Country Japan / France
Runtime 2 hours 41 minutes
Production year 1985
World premiere May 31, 1985
Release date
January 16, 1986 Argentina
September 11, 1986 Australia
October 17, 1985 Belgium
December 19, 1986 Brazil
February 1, 1991 Czechia
February 1, 1991 Czechoslovakia
October 10, 1985 Denmark
March 7, 1986 Finland
April 6, 2016 France
April 10, 1986 Germany
April 1, 2016 Great Britain
October 15, 2009 Greece
May 4, 2023 Hong Kong IIB
August 28, 1992 Hungary
October 23, 2010 India
October 21, 1985 Ireland
March 7, 1986 Italy
December 31, 2015 Japan
February 20, 1986 Netherlands
November 19, 1986 Portugal
January 17, 1986 Spain
November 15, 1985 Sweden
February 15, 1991 Turkey
December 20, 1985 USA
Budget $11,500,000
Also known as
Ran, Ран, Chaos, 乱, 亂, Ashoub, Disorder, Disturbed, Haos, Kaos, Káosz, Lãnh Chúa Hidetora, Nesantaika, Ran - Os Senhores da Guerra, Revolt
Cast and Crew
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Film rating

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8.2 IMDb
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