2 hours 8 minutes
Production year
World premiere
9 May 2018
Release date
7 June 2018 |
Russia |
18+ |
23 May 2019 |
Argentina |
6 March 2019 |
Belgium |
15 November 2018 |
Brazil |
17 May 2019 |
Canada |
16 August 2018 |
Czechia |
20 June 2019 |
Denmark |
3 August 2018 |
Estonia |
30 November 2018 |
Finland |
5 December 2018 |
France |
8 November 2018 |
Germany |
26 July 2018 |
Hungary |
15 November 2018 |
Italy |
24 July 2020 |
Japan |
12 July 2019 |
Mexico |
18 April 2019 |
Netherlands |
17 October 2019 |
Peru |
31 August 2018 |
Poland |
30 May 2019 |
Portugal |
10 May 2019 |
Romania |
14 March 2019 |
Slovakia |
3 January 2019 |
South Korea |
26 April 2019 |
Spain |
8 February 2019 |
Sweden |
10 December 2018 |
Switzerland |
12 |
18 January 2019 |
Taiwan, Province of China |
7 June 2019 |
28 June 2018 |
Ukraine |
30 October 2019 |
Uruguay |
Also known as
Leto, LETO, L'été, Sommer, Summer, Verão, Kesä, Lato, Léto, LETO -レト-, Leto, un verano de amor y rock, Leto: Verano, Nyár, O vara rock'n'roll, Sommar, The Summer, Vasara, Yaz, Καλοκαίρι, Лето, 夏, 搖滾盛夏, 盛夏