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Poster of In Cold Blood
Poster of In Cold Blood
7.9 IMDb Rating: 7.9
2 posters

In Cold Blood

In Cold Blood 18+
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After a botched robbery results in the brutal murder of a rural family, two drifters elude police, in the end coming to terms with their own mortality and the repercussions of their vile atrocity.
Country USA
Runtime 2 hours 14 minutes
Production year 1967
Online premiere 1 April 2021
World premiere 14 December 1967
Release date
14 March 1968 Denmark
20 March 1968 France
12 March 1968 Germany
11 January 1968 Great Britain
14 June 1968 Ireland 15
11 May 1968 Japan PG12
1 June 1971 Poland 18
15 December 1967 Sweden 15
15 December 1967 USA
Budget $3,500,000
Also known as
In Cold Blood, A sangre fría, A Sangue Frio, Hladnokrvno, Kaltblütig, 冷血, A sang freda, A sangue freddo, Cu sânge rece, De sang froid, De sang-froid, En psyhro, Hidegvérrel, In koelen bloede, Kylmäverisesti, Máu Lạnh, Med kaldt blod, Med kallt blod, Med koldt blod, Šaltakraujiškai, Soğukkanlılıkla, Truman Capote's In Cold Blood, Z zimną krwią, Εν ψυχρώ, Хладнокровно, Хладнокръвно, Холоднокровне вбивство
Scott Wilson
Scott Wilson
Cast and Crew
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Film rating

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7.9 IMDb
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2024, USA, Thriller
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