The story follows a filmmaker whose life is sent into a tailspin by the return of a former lover just as he is about to embark on the shoot of a new film.
Les fantômes d'Ismaël, Ismael's Ghosts, Os Fantasmas de Ismael, Fantomele lui Ismael, I fantasmi d'Ismael, Ismael szellemei, Ismaeli vaimud, Ismaelove Prízraky, Ismaelovy přízraky, Ismaels Geister, İsmail'in Hayaletleri, Izmaelio vaiduokliai, Kobiety mojego życia, Les Fantômes d'Ismaël, Los fantasmas de Ismael, Τα φαντάσματα του Ισμαήλ, Привиди Ісмаеля, Призраки Исмаэля, Призраците на Исмаел, イスマエルの亡霊たち, 伊斯梅尔的幽魂