Despite being in love with a Ukrainian boy from the same village, Polish girl named Zosia is forced into marrying a wealthy widower. Soon World War II begins and ethnic tensions arise. Amidst the war chaos Zosia tries to survive.
Runtime2 hours 30 minutes
Production year2016
Online premiereJanuary 1, 2023
World premiereOctober 7, 2016
Release date
October 7, 2016
Budget10,000,000 PLN
Also known as
Wolyn, Hatred, Guerra e Ódio, Ondskabens tid, Ondskans tid, Ondskapens tid, Sommer 1943 - Das Ende der Unschuld, Volhínia, Volhynia, Voluine, Wołyń, Волынь, ヴォウィン