Amid the time of Korean War, a young boy's vow to take care of his family marked the beginning of a lifelong promise spanning 60 years.
CountrySouth Korea
Runtime2 hours 6 minutes
Production year2014
World premiereDecember 17, 2014
Release date
May 16, 2015
December 17, 2014
South Korea
October 2, 2015
Also known as
Gukjesijang, Ode to My Father, Oda a mi padre, Gug-je-si-jang, Gugjesijang, Gukje Market, Gukje shijang, International Market, Ode ao Meu Pai, The International Market, Международный рынок, 国際市場で逢いましょう, 國際市場:半世紀的諾言