This film shows the disaster of the Kuwaitian oil fields in flames, with few interviews and no explanatory narration. Hell itself is presented in such beautiful sights and music that one has to be fascinated by it.
CountryGreat Britain / France / Germany
Runtime50 minutes
Production year1992
World premiereFebruary 21, 1992
Release date
February 21, 1992
February 21, 1992
February 21, 1992
Also known as
Lektionen in Finsternis, Lessons of Darkness, Apocalisse nel deserto, Lecciones de oscuridad, Lecciones en la oscuridad, Leçons de ténèbres, Lekcje ciemności, Lições da Escuridão, Paskaitos prieblandoje, Rekolekcje na temat mroku, Tanórák a sötétben, Μαθήματα στο σκοτάδι, Уроки темноты, 問いかける焦土