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Poster of Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
Poster of Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
7.2 IMDb Rating: 7.2
2 posters

Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence

Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence 18+
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During WWII, a British colonel tries to bridge the cultural divides between a British POW and the Japanese camp commander in order to avoid bloodshed.
Country Great Britain / Japan / New Zealand
Runtime 2 hours 3 minutes
Production year 1983
World premiere 11 May 1983
Release date
7 October 2004 Russia 18+
22 September 1983 Australia
8 September 1983 Belgium
21 September 1984 Brazil
17 June 1983 Denmark
14 October 1983 Finland
1 June 1983 France
2 December 1983 Germany
25 August 1983 Great Britain
4 February 1984 Italy
28 May 1983 Japan
7 October 2004 Kazakhstan
9 June 1983 Netherlands
16 December 1983 Portugal
20 November 2024 South Korea 15
2 December 1983 Spain
26 August 1983 Sweden
8 January 2021 Taiwan, Province of China
26 August 1983 USA
7 October 2004 Ukraine
Also known as
Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence, Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, Furyo, Feliz Navidad, Mr. Lawrence, Furyo - Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence, Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence, Merry christmas mr. Lawrence, Boldog Karácsonyt, Mr. Lawrence!, Craciun fericit, domnule Lawrence!, Feliz Natal, Mr. Lawrence, Furyo: Em Nome da Honra, God jul, Mr. Lawrence, Linksmų Kalėdų, pone Lorensai, Merry Christmas Mister Lawrence, Merry Christmas, Mister Lawrence, Merry christmas, mr. Lawrence, Senjô no merî Kurisumasu, Veselé Vánoce, pane Lawrenci, Veselé Vianoce, pán Lawrence, Wesołych świąt, pułkowniku Lawrence, Καλά Χριστούγεννα, κύριε Λώρενς, Весела Коледа, г-н Лоурънс, Счастливого рождества, мистер Лоуренс, Щасливого Різдва, містере Лоуренс, मेरी क्रिसमस, Mr. सॉरेन्स, 俘虜, 战场上的快乐圣诞, 戦場のメリークリスマス, 戰場上的快樂聖誕
Cast and Crew
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Film rating

Rate 14 votes
7.2 IMDb
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Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
2024, Russia, Family, Adventure
2025, Great Britain / USA, Action, Thriller
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2024, Russia, Comedy
2024, USA, Thriller
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