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Poster of Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves!
Poster of Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves!
5.0 IMDb Rating: 5
2 posters

Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves!

Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves! 18+
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Country USA
Runtime 1 hour 14 minutes
Production year 1997
World premiere 18 March 1997
Release date
18 March 1997 Germany
31 July 1997 Spain A
18 March 1997 USA
Also known as
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves!, Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves, Agapi mou, syrriknosa tous eaftous mas, Agapi mou, syrriknothikame, Älskling, vi krympte oss själva, Azizam, Ma Aab Raftim!, Cariño, nos hemos encogido a nosotros mismos, Chérie, je nous ai réduits, Chérie, nous avons été rétrécis, Draga, smanjili smo se, Drágám, most mi mentünk össze!, Eyvah Kendimizi Küçülttük!, Kjære, vi krympet oss selv, Kochanie, zmniejszyliśmy siebie, Kulti kutistin meidät, Liebling, jetzt haben wir uns geschrumpft!, Milácku, zmensil jsem nás!, Querida, Encolhemos!, Querida, Encolhi a Gente, Querida, Nós Encolhemos, Skat, vi har skrumpet os selv, Tesoro, ci siamo ristretti anche noi, Αγάπη μου, συρρικνωθήκαμε, Дорогая, мы себя уменьшили, Кохана, ми зменшили себе!, ミクロキッズ3, 親愛的,我把我們縮小了
Robin Bartlett
Robin Bartlett
Cast and Crew
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Film rating

Rate 10 votes
5 IMDb
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