Children of the Corn: Revelation, Children of the Corn VII: Revelation, Children of the Corn 2001, Children of the Corn 7: Resurrection, Children of the Corn 7: Revelation, Children of the Corn VII, Colheita Maldita 7: A Revelação, Deca kukuruza 7: Otkrovenje, Djeca kukuruza: Otkriće, Dzieci kukurydzy 7: Objawienie, Kinder des Zorns 7 - Revelation, Koodakane Zorrat 7: Efsha, Les Démons du maïs 7 : La Révélation, Los chicos del maíz 7: Revelación, Los niños del maíz: revelación, Os Filhos da Terra VII: A Revelação, Дети кукурузы: Апокалипсис