A young, beautiful prostitute named Sadie Thompson arrives on the South Pacific island of Pago Pago looking for honest work and falls for Timothy O'Hara, an American sailor who is unfazed by her unsavory past. However, Mr. Davidson, a missionary who arrived on the island at the same time, aims to "save" Sadie from her sinful life and petitions to have her separated from her beau and deported back to San Francisco.
Runtime1 hour 37 minutes
Production year1928
World premiereJanuary 7, 1928
Release date
January 7, 1928
Also known as
Sadie Thompson, La frágil voluntad, ...aber das Fleisch ist schwach, A jednak ciało jest słabe, A Sedução do Pecado, Eső, Faiblesse humaine, Grzech Sadie Thompson, Hennes förflutna, I anthropini adynamia, Sadie, Sedução do Pecado, Sejdi Tompson, Tristana e la maschera, Седі Томпсон, Сэди Томпсон, 港の女