A deeply moving story about love, loss and literature, this documentary follows the days of José Saramago, the Nobel-laureate Portuguese novelist, and his wife, Pilar del Río. The film shows their whirlwind life of international travel, his passion for completing his masterpiece "The Elephant's Journey", and how their love quietly sustains them throughout.
CountryBrazil / Portugal / Spain
Runtime1 hour 57 minutes
Production year2010
World premiereOctober 18, 2010
Release date
November 5, 2010
October 18, 2010
April 1, 2012
Also known as
José e Pilar, José and Pilar, José y Pilar, José & Pilar, José a Pilar, José şi Pilar, União Ibérica: O Retrato de uma Relação - José Saramago e Pilar del Rio, Žoze i Pilar, Ζοζέ και Πιλάρ, Жозе и Пилар, Жузе и Пилар