On a stormy night in Montevideo, an engineering student named Ana takes over the duties of her father, a projectionist at a declining movie theatre, due to his ill health. But, unbeknownst to her, the audience watching the film that she’s running starts being murdered by a crazed killer.
CountryArgentina / Uruguay
Runtime1 hour 28 minutes
Production year2020
Online premiereAugust 24, 2021
World premiereSeptember 3, 2020
Release date
August 6, 2021
September 3, 2020
Also known as
Al morir la matinée, The Last Matinee, Red Screening, Bloody Matinee, Krvavi matine, Krwawy seans, Mortes na Matinê, Red screening, Red Screening - Blutige Vorstellung, Red Screening - Proiezione mortale, Последний сеанс, 殺人午夜場