As Christmas approaches, a department store worker whose life lacks fulfillment meets her guardian angel, who offers her a chance to change her circumstances by magically transporting her to Christmases past whenever she tries on a new pair of shoes.
CountryCanada / USA
Runtime1 hour 25 minutes
Production year2018
World premiereNovember 25, 2018
Also known as
A Shoe Addict's Christmas, La Navidad de una adicta a los zapatos, Božić u carstvu cipela, Božić zavisnice od cipela, Bozicni cevlji, Crăciun la magazin, Joulu tavaratalossa, Jul i skobutikken, Le scarpe magiche di Natale, Les Souliers de Noëlle, Meine zauberhaften Weihnachtsschuhe, Noelle és Charlie karácsonya, Um Sapato para o Natal, Zaczarowane szpilki, Різдвяні черевички, Рождественские туфельки