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Poster of Turning Green
Poster of Turning Green
5.4 IMDb Rating: 5.4
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Turning Green Turning Green 16+
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Set in late 1970s Ireland, it tells the story of 16-year-old James Powers, an American who finds himself lost after his mother dies and he is forced to live with his three Irish aunts. Displaced and depressed, he longs for a way to make it back to America. One lucky weekend in London, James discovers pornography and, desperate for cash, he decides to sell them back in Ireland. His success spreads wildly. After finding a possible way home, he must decide where home really is, and finds that one's place in the world is all a state of mind.
Country USA / Ireland
Runtime 1 hour 25 minutes
Production year 2005
Budget $2,000,000
Also known as
Turning Green, Volviéndose verde, Elvágyódás, Traffici proibiti, Turning reen - vihreän saaren vangit, Зелена улица
Cast and Crew

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5.4 IMDb
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2024, Germany / USA / UAE / Italy, Biography, Drama
2024, Austria / Germany / Italy, Family, Fantasy
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