Over a period of two years, Mark Cowen and his crew travelled to thirty U.S. states and ten European cities, to interview the veterans of Easy Company. The stories told by the veterans themselves, create a history of the Second World War from the point of view of this heroic company of men, made famous in the mini-series Band of Brothers.
CountryBelgium / USA
Runtime1 hour 18 minutes
Production year2001
World premiere10 November 2001
Also known as
We Stand Alone Together, Easy Company - Uma História de Coragem, Együtt vagyunk egymagunk: Az Easy Company katonái, Estamos solos pero unidos, Sozinhos, Mas Juntos: Os Homens Da Companhia Easy, W jedności siła. Żołnierze Kompanii E, We Stand Alone Together: The Men of Easy Company, Мы остались одни вместе