In a cage on a trailer in the middle of the desert, BlackWoman (Mwajemi Hussein) is abandoned, left to die. But BlackWoman seems not ready. She escapes, journeying through pestilence and persecution, from desert to mountain and finally to city, on a quest for an unknown beginning. But the city is more uncertain even than the desert, and recaptured, BlackWoman must find another escape. Or does she?
Runtime1 hour 50 minutes
Production year2022
World premiere23 October 2022
Release date
4 May 2023
13 December 2023
21 December 2023
Also known as
The Survival of Kindness, Survival of Kindness, The Mountain, Das Überleben der Freundlichkeit, İnsanlık Ölmedi, Mountain, Przetrwanie, Η επιβίωση της ευγένειας, Выживание доброты, 善良的生存