As a new day begins in the small American town of Minninnewah, the residents start their day as ordinary as the next. Mother Nature, however, has other plans for them. Inhabitants have just 13 minutes to seek shelter before the largest tornado on record ravages the town, leaving them struggling to protect their loved ones and fighting for their lives. Left to deal with the aftermath, four families must overcome their differences and find strength in each other in order to survive.
CountryUSA / Canada
Runtime1 hour 48 minutes
Production year2021
Also known as
13 Minutes, 13 minut, 13 Dakika, 13 Minute, 13 minuti, 13 Minutos, 13 Minutos de Tormenta, 13 минут, 13 미니츠, En la tormenta, Frente al tornado, Jede Sekunde zählt, Thirteen Minutes, Tornado categoría 5, Тринадцять хвилин, 天崩颶裂