Set primarily in 1975 in the fictional town of Gatlin, Nebraska this remake of the 1984 original (based on Stephen King's 1977 short story) centers around traveling couple Burt and Vicky as they fight to survive a cult of murderous children who worship an entity known as He Who Walks Behind The Rows, which had years earlier manipulated the children into killing every adult in town.
Runtime1 hour 32 minutes
Production year2009
World premiereSeptember 26, 2009
Release date
September 26, 2009
Also known as
Children of the Corn, A Colheita Maldita, A kukorica gyermekei, Campi insanguinati, Deca kukuruznih polja, Děti kukuřice, Dzieci kukurydzy, Kukuřičné děti, Los chicos del maíz, Los niños del maíz, Maissilapset, Niños diabólicos, Ondskapens barn, Os Filhos da Terra, Recolta însângeratã, Stephen King's Children of the Corn, Stephen Kings Kinder des Zorns, Ο δολοφόνος με το δρεπάνι, Дети кукурузы, スティーヴン・キング トウモロコシ畑の子供たち