The film revolves around a pair of big-boned, bumbling cops who find themselves at the heart of a drug trafficking case. The agent "J" (Zhang Wen) was shot in the head during an A-level mission, causing damage to the intracranial hypothalamus. During the period of rehabilitating, J gradually became a big fat man of three hundred pounds and suffered from severe narcolepsy, but J still considered himself a ace agent. Finally, J received the task again and went to Japan to retrieve the confidential documents. After the file was obtained, J arbitrarily opened the file and decided to continue the task of hiding the organization for the organization, but he fainted in the izakaya. J who woke up in the hospital got to know the security guard Handsome Hao (Bei-Er Bao), Handsome Hao to prove that he is not a waste of nothing to resolutely join the mission. In the process of carrying out the task, the temporary partner has experienced the ridiculous and dangerous crisis of time over and over ...
CountryChina / Japan
Runtime1 hour 49 minutes
Production year2018
Online premiereJune 15, 2023
World premiereJune 15, 2023
Also known as
Pang zi xing dong dui, Fat Buddies, 胖子行动队, 胖子行動隊, Điệp Vụ XXXL, Şişman Harekât Timi, ミッション・デブポッシブル!