Soviet filmmaker Yuri Raisman once more combines political dogma with solid entertainment values in Dream of a Cossack (aka Cavalier of the Golden Star). The title character, played by future director Sergei Bondarchuk (and billed for obscure reasons as Semyon Bondarchuk), is an ex-soldier who returns home to the Kuban region, there to take up life as a farmer. Instead, he galvanizes the local citizenry into participating in a massive construction project, which will result in a new power station and canal. Thus does Raisman offer an prime example of Russian collectivism while making it seem as though it had sprung from individual initiative. Dream of a Cossack is based on a popular novel by S. Babayefsky.
Runtime1 hour 35 minutes
Production year1951
World premiereJuly 9, 1951
Release date
July 9, 1951
Also known as
Kavalier zolotoy zvezdy, Aranycsillag lovagja, Cavalerul stelei de aur, Cavalier of the Golden Star, Dream of a Cossack, Il cavaliere della stella d'oro, Kawaler Złotej Gwiazdy, Kultaisen tähden ritari, Le chevalier à l'étoile d'or, O Cavaleiro da Estrela de Oiro, Riddaren av gyllene stjärnan, Ritter des goldenen Sterns, Кавалер золотой звезды