At the end of WWII the Dutch resistance kills a German officer in front of the house of a Dutch family. Years after the war the young boy who witnessed the killing runs into the members of the resistance who committed the killing.
Runtime2 hours 21 minutes
Production year1986
World premiere6 February 1986
Release date
2 May 1996
6 February 1986
Also known as
De aanslag, El asalto, The Assault, Asaltul, Atak, Atentat, Der Anschlag, I epithesi, L'assaut, L'attentat, Merénylet, Muistojen vanki, Napaść, O Assalto, O Ataque, Overgrebet, Profondo nero, Zamach, Напад, Нападение, Нападението, 追想のかなた