Striving to be independent, the blind but determined Don Baker moves away from his overprotective mother. After settling into his new San Francisco digs, Don meets kooky neighbor Jill Tanner. Don's quick wit and good looks disarm the free-spirited Jill, and before long they're more than just friends. Will Mrs. Baker's incessant meddling destroy Don and Jill's budding relationship?
Runtime1 hour 49 minutes
Production year1972
World premiere6 July 1972
Release date
16 March 1973
6 July 1972
Also known as
Butterflies Are Free, Las mariposas son libres, A pillangók szabadok, Batafurai wa furî, Fluturii sunt liberi, Fri som en sommerfugl, Fri som fjärilen, Kelebekler Hürdür, Le farfalle sono libere, Les papallones són lliures, Liberdade para as Borboletas, Motyle są wolne, Oi petaloudes einai eleftheres, Schmetterlinge sind frei, Só as Borboletas São Livres, Sommerfugler er fri, Tjejen som bodde bredvid, Vapaa kuin perhonen, Vlinders zijn vrij, Οι πεταλούδες είναι ελεύθερες, Бабочки свободны, Метелики вільні, Пеперудите са свободни, 나비의 외출, バタフライはフリー, 蝴蝶小姐