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Ivan the Terrible
Krylya kholopa

Ivan the Terrible, 1926

1926 / USSR
7.3 Rate
10 votes IMDb Rating: 7.2
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Originally titled Wings of a Serf in the USSR, this Russian historical pageant (original title: Krylya Kholopa) manages to pack a lot of detail -- and a great deal of nonsense -- into its scant 60 minutes. Throwing accuracy to the four winds, the screenplay deals with a fabricated romantic triangle involving 16th-century Czar Ivan (Leonid Leonidov), his wife the Czarina (Sofya Askarova) and his wife's paramour Nikita (Ivan Klyukvin). The celebrated brutality of Ivan is crystallized in a single moment wherein the czar throws a bowl of scalding soup into the face of his court jester. American critics who'd grown weary of the praise lavished on such Soviet classics as Potemkin seemed to delight in pointing out the deficiencies of Czar Ivan, the Terrible, as if to say "See? They aren't all classics!" Nonetheless, the film did record business when it opened at New York's Cameo Theater in March of 1928, two years after its original release. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi
Runtime 1 hour 19 minutes
Production year 1926
Age 18+
Cast and Crew

Film rating

Rate 10 votes
7.2 IMDb
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2024, USA, Animation
2001, Japan, Anime, Family, Animation, Adventure
2024, USA, Action, Adventure, Comedy
2024, Russia, Comedy
2024, USA, Action
2024, Russia, Comedy
2024, Russia, Animation, Adventure, Fantasy
2024, Russia, Adventure, Family
2024, Russia, Action, Adventure
2024, USA / China / Ireland, Adventure, Animation, Family
2024, Great Britain, Thriller
2024, USA, Animation
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