A teenager named Noriko Shimabara runs away from her family in Toyokawa, to meet Kumiko, the leader of an Internet BBS, Haikyo.com. She becomes involved with Kumiko's family circle, which grows darker after the mass suicide of 54 high school girls.
Runtime2 hours 39 minutes
Production year2005
Also known as
Noriko no shokutaku, Noriko's Dinner Table, A Mesa de Jantar de Noriko, Cina lui Noriko, Norikin trpezarijski sto, Obedennyy stolik Noriko, Przy stole z Noriko, Suicide Circle 2, To deipno tis Noriko, Обеденный столик Норико, 紀子の食卓, 紀子之食桌, 紀子的餐桌